
Archive for September 12, 2008

The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

September 12, 2008 Comments off

A cutthroat city and a band of thieves add up to a great fantasy novel. Like other modern fantasy worth reading (Game of Thrones) the ‘fantasy’ element is kept light, and therefore more meangful when it appears.

The vanished Eldren left delicate glasslike structures around the city that cannot be marked or desotryed, but they can be built around.

Locke Lamora is a thief and trickster, and at the start of the novel we see him and his gang enacting a truly epic advance feee fraud scam on two of the local nobility. The scheme gets shaky after Locke is caught up in struggles within the criminal underworld.

I’ll say no more of the story. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone. This book is highly recommended.

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